Outdoor learning is encouraged wherever possible and visits to museums and field centres take place during the study of History and Geography. Skills, places and themes are woven into a coherent fabric of geographical enquiry which helps our children to understand the Earth and its people. Environmental components are often investigated through specific place study.
In History we foster and encourage an enthusiasm for the past. Our children develop an awareness of this through trips and visits and, through their studies, gradually build an awareness of the characteristic features of periods and societies and reasons for historical decisions.
In these areas of study we are fortunate to be in such a spectacular setting: 30 acres of parkland affords a great deal of scope for practical, hands-on Geography, as does our fully-active, student-run Weather Station, which feeds data directly into the Met Office in London.
In History, Pitsford Hall itself, and its glorious estate, both of which date from the mid-eighteenth century and are themselves older than the United States, are exciting and living historical monuments which colour our teaching and inspire our children.