Juniors Curriculum

The Junior School offers a broad and balanced range of subjects through an exciting, creative curriculum.

In KS1 we offer a curriculum which seeks to nurture each child and support their individual learning needs. Class teachers plan topics which follow and extend the national curriculum. A strong emphasis is placed on developing basic skills in reading, writing and numeracy.

In KS2 the range and breadth of subjects offered continues to extend the National Curriculum; greater emphasis is placed on independent learning skills while continuing to develop and extend literacy and numeracy.

Equal value is given to the arts and sport throughout the School and children participate in some form of physical activity every day.

Some subjects such as French, music and PE are taught by specialist teachers but each year group is the responsibility of an enthusiastic and caring class teacher.

The Junior School hold an annual Junior Music Concert for pupils in J4-J6. The concert is an ideal opportunity for pupils to show parents what they have learnt in music over the course of the Academic year. In addition, a Junior Music Assembly enables J2-J3 to showcase what they have learnt.

In English and maths additional support is provided within the classroom and the children are used to being taught in small groups.

Subjects are taught mainly through our exciting Creative Curriculum. We do much more than make links between traditional subjects; we always look to find the best ways to inspire all of our pupils, drawing on skills from art, music, technology, dance and drama. We make the most of our unique outdoor spaces and take learning outside the classroom whenever we can. Integral to a Pitsford Junior School education is equipping our children with the skills and judgments to work independently and to branch off and follow their passions.

An all-through School

Pitsford Junior School plays a full and integrated role in the life of the whole Pitsford School. Academically, the availability of subject-specialist teachers in the Senior School who are eager to engage with the juniors, to ignite their enthusiasm and to develop their skills, is a great strength of the Junior School. Half-termly workshops are delivered to junior school children by senior staff, be it an introduction to weapons and war of the Middle Ages with the Headmaster (with actual swords and armour), or practical Chemistry and Physics experiments with Dr Ewington, or hands-on Geology with Mrs Kirk and Mr Lewis, this is an ever-changing and developing aspect of the all-through education which runs through the philosophy of Pitsford School like a river.